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Commentaire de koanzench

sur Adoption en Haïti : le coeur et la raison

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koanzench koanzench 18 janvier 2010 21:51

Communiqué de presse de « United Adoptees International ».

Adoption is not humanitarian aid

“Baby Lift” operation Haiti

Amsterdam, January 18, 2010 - Following the humanitarian disaster in Haiti, humanitarian aid is on its way, but also ; expedited adoptions, possible abduction of children and forced relinquishment for intercountry adoptions to the West. The removal of children in times of disasters and wars under the guise of adoption, according to the vision of United Adoptees International (UAI), is by not the right form of humanitarian aid. Concerning Haiti, the reaction of the Dutch government is an irresponsible response to the situation in Haiti where currently monitoring and surveillance cannot be maintained. However, the Dutch government has decided that adoption will be the first priority and already agreed to 110 adoptions from Haiti. Of these, 56 adoptions were approved by the Ministry of Justice in an accelerated manner, arguing that these were already in the ‘pipeline’. Due to this, the Nederlandse Adoptie Stichting (NAS) and the largest Dutch agency Wereldkinderen, under pressure from prospective adoptive parents, took their chance to put pressure to get even more (risky) adoptions from Haiti.

Adoption is a last resort, not first aid

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