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Commentaire de pyralene

sur Aviation (9) : le drone qui carbure mal

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Pyrathome pyralene 12 février 2010 13:10

Ben , j’ai ça.....

http://www.historycommons.org/entity.js … y=raytheon

A propos de la possibilité de prendre les commandes d’avions de ligne :

October 2, 2001 : Remote Controlled Passenger Airplane Flew Before 9/11, Despite Claims to the Contrary
A Raytheon 727 lands in New Mexico in August, 2001. [Source : Associated Press]It is reported that the US company Raytheon landed a 727 six times in a military base in New Mexico without any pilots on board. This was done to test equipment making future hijackings more difficult, by allowing ground control to take over the flying of a hijacked plane. [Associated Press, 10/2/2001 ; Der Spiegel (Hamburg), 10/28/2001] Several Raytheon employees with possible ties to this remote control technology program appear to have been on the hijacked 9/11 flights (see September 25, 2001). Earlier in the year, a specially designed Global Hawk plane flew from the US to Australia without pilot or passengers. [Independent Television News, 4/24/2001] However, most media reports after 9/11 suggest such technology is currently impossible. For instance, the Observer quotes an expert who says that « the technology is pretty much there » but still untried. [Observer, 9/16/2001] An aviation-security expert at Jane’s Defence Weekly says this type of technology belongs « in the realms of science fiction. » [Financial Times, 9/18/2001 ; Economist, 9/20/2001] Even President Bush appears to deny the technology currently exists. He gives a speech after 9/11 in which he mentions that the government would give grants to research "new technology, probably far in the future, allowing air traffic controllers to land distressed planes by remote control." [New York Times, 9/28/2001]

Résumé : contrairement à un argument des debunkers, la prise de commande à distances d’avions Boeing 727 a bien été expérimentée à plusieurs reprises avant le 911.

C’est la société Raytheon qui s’est occupée de ces vols assistés et assez curieusement plusieurs employés de Raytheon figurent parmi les passagers des avions répertorisés comme victimes.

A creuser cela également. Certains l’ont fait :

http://covertoperations.blogspot.com/20 … every.html

Flight 11 :
Peter Gay was Raytheon’s Vice President of Operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, Calif.

This division is one of two divisions making the Global Hawk.

Kenneth Waldie was a senior quality control engineer for Raytheon’s electronic systems.

David Kovalcin was a senior mechanical engineer for Raytheon’s electronic systems.

Flight 175 :
Herbert Homer was a corporate executive working with the Department of Defense.

And for some very strange reasons he was listed for several days as having died in the while working in the Pentagon.

Flight 77 :
Stanley Hall was director of program management for Raytheon Electronics Warfare. One Raytheon colleague calls him "our dean of electronic warfare.« 

Charles S. Falkenberg : He worked on »EOS Webster" a mapping system which provides Landsat Images, which are part of the mapping system for the Global Hawk technology.

Raytheon is working on Global Hawk piloltless aircraft program.

Il faudrait investiguer sur les activités de cette société. Voir dans l’orgnigramme magique de Rag si cela ne nous mène pas à quelques liens intéressants. Eventuellement à lier avec les recherches sur Dov Zakheim.....

 passionnant , non ?... smiley

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