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Commentaire de Sun Ra

sur Israël et son autoflagellation perpétuelle

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Sun Ra 12 mars 2010 13:36

Qui est ce professeur Martin Van-Crevel


Martin van Creveld, formerly of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, is one of the world’s leading writers on military history and strategy, with a special interest in the future of war.

He has authored twenty books. The most important among them are Supplying War (1978), Command in War (1985), The Transformation of War (1991), The Changing Face of War : Lessons of Combat from the Marne to Iraq (2006), and The Culture of War (2008). He has also published extensively on other subjects, including the history of the state, women’s history and feminism, and American history. Between them, these books have been translated, or are being translated, into seventeen languages.

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