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Commentaire de morice

sur Blue Bayou (1) : une explosion, telle un volcan...

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morice morice 12 mai 2010 16:45

tenez, un attentat comme vous les aimez : des islamistes, bien sûr !!

lisez ça d’abord

http://edition.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/south/05/08/pakistan.bombing/inde x.html

KARACHI, Pakistan (CNN) — U.S. President George W. Bush has labeled as « terrorist murders » a suspected suicide bombing in Pakistan that killed at least 14 people.

Earlier, U.S. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher condemned the bombing saying France and Pakistan were two of the U.S.’s « closest allies in the global war on terrorism ».

In Paris, a French Defense Ministry official was asked if France suspected the al Qaeda terrorist organization was linked to the explosion. The official said he would not rule that out, but he added it was too soon to say.

A U.S. official said Wednesday that while the bombing was « not necessarily » the work of the terrorist group al Qaeda, Pakistani radical groups typically have not used bus bombings as a method of attack.

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