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Commentaire de pigripi

sur Piège en haute mer, ou la version officielle d'Israël

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pigripi pigripi 1er juin 2010 19:07

Témoignage d’un marin israëlien :

Traduction rapide : 5 des bâteaux ont été arraisonnés sans difficulté ni résistance mais le 6ème, le Marmara a refusé et ses passagers ont attaqué les soldats israéliens avec des barres de fer, des couteaux et des battes. Dans l’échauffourée, un soldat a été jeté à l’eau et un passager a pris son fusil pour tirer sur les soldats qui ont riposté.

I am disgusted and dismayed. Not by the actions of the Israeli Navy, but by the silence (so far) of our leaders who are supposed to explain to the world what is going on.


The information below comes from my son who serves in the Navy and has just arrived home from Ashdod.


We realized that the flotilla of ships trying to reach Gaza was a provocation. No one realized how heavily they were armed. 


Five of the ships were boarded by the naval commando in the early hours of this morning and surrendered without resistance. The ships were taken to Ashdod, and the food they were carrying will be sent to Gaza, which as we know receives daily supplies of food, electricity and other essentials from the “Zionist entity” it refuses to recognize.


When the commando boarded the sixth ship, the Marmara, they faced armed resistance. The gunmen – many of whom were clearly prepared to be “shahidin” , martyrs – jumped on them in an organized lynch and started to stab them and beat them with clubs, knives and metal poles. After they grabbed one of our soldiers and threw him overboard, and started shooting the other soldiers with his rifle, they had no alternative but to open fire to protect themselves. In such a situation, it is surprising there were so few casualties. About ten IDF soldiers were injured, some seriously.  My son will start his day tomorrow visiting one of them, a former schoolmate, at Tel Hashomer hospital , before returning to Ashdod.


If any proof were needed of the “peaceful” intentions of the passengers of the ships, or at least this one, we received a very clear picture.


Please pass this on to whoever might be willing to listen to the truth !


Kol hakavod (kudos) to our soldiers and refuah shelemah (a speedy recovery) to the wounded.

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