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Commentaire de morice

sur Assaut israélien : la dérive d'une armée dévorée par la religion ?

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morice morice 2 juin 2010 15:27

un avis sur le cas :

Ex-Mossad agent : Gaza flotilla raid ’so stupid it’s stupefying’

The former Mossad agent is Victor Ostrovsky, who enlisted in the Israeli Defense Force at age 18 and has since written two books highly critical of Israel’s war-fighting apparatus. His first book, « By Way of Deception, » illustrates the brutal and often confusing nature of the Israeli spy service’s covert operations, casting the agency as a villain that engages in the drug trade to further their ambitions over the good of Israel. His other book, « The Other Side of Deception, » speculates as to Mossad’s greater agenda. The book isavailable online in its entirety.

For one, Ostrovsky suggested, commandos could have approached the ship from under water and disabled the propellers, letting the activists drift for days until their food supplies ran out. He added that Israeli soldiers should not have fast-roped into a crowd as they had, instead suggesting that it would have been more productive to board the ship from the front and back, then work inward.

« The mistakes were on every level, » Ostrovsky told Stein, « from the order to forcefully board outside the territorial waters to the actual attack. »

He ultimately blamed the Israeli prime minister for giving an order to « do something now » instead of making adequate preparations for repelling the vessel from the Gaza shore. He also chastised the Israeli leadership for stopping the boat in international waters, even if its stated destination was beyond the military blockade.

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