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Commentaire de morice

sur S'inventer le droit de tuer

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morice morice 3 juin 2010 16:13

et vlan : Obama et son clown de vice-président dans le pétrin : y« a un américain dans le lot de tués par Tsahal !!! 

News Alert : American citizen was among those killed in Israeli raid of Turkish aid ship
09:57 AM EDT Thursday, June 3, 2010

JERUSALEM – An American citizen of Turkish origin was among the nine Turks killed in a botched Israeli effort to stop a Turkish aid ship from reaching the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, a Turkish official said on Thursday.

 »It’s a Turkish origin, American citizen. We know that,’’ the official said by phone from Turkey, adding that more details were not yet available.

The nine bodies were flown home from Israel to Turkey, along with hundreds of activists, aboard a Turkish plane yesterday. Israel was not able to identify the bodies because the dead had no identification on them, Israeli officials said.

The killing of nine Turks has created enormous tensions in the relationship between Israel and Turkey. 
Israel has come under widespread criticism following the operation, aimed at maintaining a blockade of Gaza. Israel accused the Turkish contingent of being part of a radical Islamic movement and showed video of passengers attacking naval commandos as they landed on board.

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