Article E-POU-STOU-FLANT. Vous m’avez convaincu. Sèptembeur Ileven was an inside job !
Vous ne me tiendrez probablement pas grief d’ajouter à votre liste de liens quelques images et textes étayant vos propos concernant les ridicules dégâts causés par la chute de la tour Nord sur le WTC 7.
Deux petits textes, les propos viennent du chef des opérations de survie autour du WTC7 :
"The most important operational decision to be made that
afternoon was the collapse had damaged 7 World Trade
Center, which is about a 50 story building, at Vesey
between West Broadway and Washington Street. It had very
heavy fire on many floors and I ordered the evacuation of
an area sufficient around to protect our members, so we
had to give up some rescue operations that were going on
at the time and back the people away far enough so that if
7 World Trade did collapse, we wouldnít lose any more
»It looked to me like it was involving about 10
floors of the building, and the way it was burning,
I stated to Chief Ganci on the way there that I didnít
believe we could extinguish the fire.
Q. That was based on what ?
A. The number of floors I think. The volume of
fire on the number of floors. To my recollection, we had
never put out a fire that involved that many floors in a
high rise building in this city before. I think more or
less the direction of - in both towers ended up, evacuation
was the main, the initial concern. Get as many people out
of the building as we could
Source : niel.txt
Lui aussi est complice de la mort de 350 de ses collègues ?
Toutefois, afin de vous complimenter, un petit texte supplémentaire :’erreur/