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Commentaire de morice

sur Blue Bayou (10) pas un Katrina, mais peut-être bien un autre WTC !

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morice morice 13 juin 2010 12:19

autre à signaler : l’origine des LOIS ayant minimisé la sécurité : celles de Cheney !

One of the worst elements of what has come to be known as the ‘Dick Cheney energy bill’ had a direct role in eliminating the kind of regulatory oversight that may have prevented the blowout of BP’s Mississippi Canyon 252 well on April 20 of this year. Section 390 of the legislation dramatically expanded the circumstance under which drilling operations could forego environmental reviews and be approved almost immediately under so-called ‘categorical exclusions’ from the National Environmental Policy Act. The use of such exclusions went on to widespread abuse under the Bush administration. BP’s blown-out well did not undergo an environmental review thanks to a categorical exclusion. (BP was lobbying as recently as April to expand the use of such exclusions.)

The Center’s Rebecca Lefton adds that the MMS :

… decided in 2005 that oil companies, rather than the government, were in the best position to determining their operations’ environmental impacts. This meant that there was no longer any need for an environmental impact analysis for deepwater drilling, though an earlier draft stated that such drilling experience was limitedIn fact, MMS ‘repeatedly ignored warnings from government scientists about environmental risks in its push to approve energy exploration activities quickly, according to numerous documents and interviews.’ And an interior general analysis even found that between 2005 and 2007 MMS officials let the oil industry to fill out their own inspection reports.

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