On sait ce où tu veux en venir.....c’est une totale supercherie et de la propagande facile.......
by PeteWaldo on Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:59 pm
I posted this as a thread to clear this matter
up, and also because the Islamic websites that claim that the number 666
proves the perfection of the Quran, and the proof that Mohammed was the
prophet of Allah, have been disappearing from the internet lately. Do a
search - Quran 666 - and you will see the remnants that are left - as
in « page not found ». Why might they be disappearing ?
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=quran+ ... =&ei=UTF-8
These websites and this 666 relationship to Islam is unnecessary to
gain an understanding in the role of Islam in end-times prophecy, since
Daniel and John do an excellent job of that mathematically.
This 666 number relationship was unknown and thus of no importance
to Ellis Skolfield, for example, throughout the nearly 30 years in which
he has written about the central role of Islam in eschatology.
Some in this forum claim that these Islamic websites are a « hoax »
but they are nothing of the kind. These websites are from those
involved in the U.S. « Submission » sect of Islam.
nasr wrote :PeteWaldo wrote :Some of their own mark the Quran and Mohammed 666. Is this God’s warning to Christians AND MUSLIMS ?The web site that you refer to is a hoax :
Je ne suis pas musulman, précision indispensable......mais les musulmans vivent la période actuelle, comme les juifs l’ont vécu dans les années 30 et 40......
le bouc émissaire et la stigmatisation avant la solution finale.....tout le monde sait comment cela a fini !!...
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