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Commentaire de morice

sur Procès Sasakawa : quand l'Histoire s'écrit au tribunal

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morice morice 8 octobre 2010 09:47

http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/actualite/politique/20100623.OBS6026/enquEte -les-bonnes-uvres-de-m-sasakawa.html


beaucoup de textes sur le sujet ont....DISPARU du net !

celui là est plus intéressant :

With her royal highness Princess Christina, the sister of the king of Sweden, as chairwoman for Sweden, the foundation distributes substantial financial resources to the country’s Japanologists, in spite of the fact that the European Association for Japanese studies and many Western universities openly dissociate themselves from the dubious foundation. However, this is not the case for the Japanologist Bruno Gollnisch at the University of Lyon ; an ideologist and strongman for the Fascist Front National, as well as the closest aide to its leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen, he openly supports and coop- erates with the Sasakawa Foundation.58 Sasakawa was Japanese fascism’s éminence grise, together with his right-hand man and Yakuza boss, Yoshio Kodama.59 In 1931, he founded Kokusai Taishuto, whose members wore black shirts, and he personally met with Mussolini — according to Sasakawa “the most perfect Fascist”—during a visit to Rome. After the defeat, Sasakawa was classified as a class-A war criminal by the Americans, and he was put into Sugamo jail for three years with the upcoming prime minis- ter Kishi Nobosuke as his cellmate. However, in postwar Japan, Sasakawa, together with many from similar doubtful backgrounds, became a part of the leading political and economic elite of the country in the name of anti- Communism. In 1959, he received the monopoly of betting for racers from the above-mentioned prime minister Nobosuke, which made Sasakawa an astronomically rich man. “I am the world’s richest Fascist,” Sasakawa used to boast, as he, at the same time, was the leader of the neo-Fascist Zenai Kaigi, the Unification Church in Japan, and the chairman of the Japanese branch of the World Anti-Communist League.

Gollnisch est spécialiste du Japo net enseigne le japonais....

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