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Commentaire de non667

sur De l'inadaptation de la démocratie représentative à la révolution politique

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non667 16 novembre 2010 14:55

à marc et a auteur
L’un des spécialistes de l’intelligence, Howard Gardner – professeur à Harvard - a écrit ces mots dans un excellent livre The Pursuit of Excellence Through Education de Michel Ferrari : « Ultimately, we cannot know in advance who will turn out to be Extraordinary with a capital E, who will demonstrate a modicum of unusualness, and who will simply become a competent adult. There will be false positives, as well as false negatives. Yet there are benefits in treating every individuals as if he or she were potentially extraordinary. Following the lines I’ve sketched out, the person will at least have had exposure to examples of excellence, mastered skills and behaviors that are valued by the culture, and acquired the metacognitive virtues of reflecting, leveraging, and framing. These accomplishments make it likely that the person will realize more of his or her potential. In the process, even if individuals themselves do not achieve extraordinary feats, the society in which they live may achieve extraordinary results.

un vrai plaisir surtout lorsqu’on ne lit pas l’anglais  ! smiley

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