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Commentaire de joletaxi

sur Histoire d'une idée : qu'est devenu « le réchauffement climatique » ?

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joletaxi 18 novembre 2010 14:20

La seule explication que je trouve à cet article, c’est que l’auteur est un humoriste !

Pour faire court, je reprendrai un commentaire de Spencer ( un climatologue, un vrai, même s’il a claqué la porte du GIEC) 

We skeptics are not smart enough to understand the science. We and the citizens of America, and the representatives we have just elected to go to Washington, just need to listen to them and let them tell us how we should be allowed to live.

OK, so, let me see if I understand this.

After 20 years, billions of dollars in scientific research and advertising campaigns, cooperation from the public schools, TV specials and concerts by a gaggle of entertainers, end-of-the-world movies, our ‘best’ politicians, heads of state, presidents, the United Nations, and complicity by most of the news media, it has been decided that the American public is not getting the message on global warming !?

Are they serious !?

Americans — hell, most of humanity — have already heard the 20 different ways we will all die miserable deaths from our emissions of that life giving — er, I mean poisonous –gas, carbon dioxide, that we are adding to the atmosphere every day.

So, NOW it no more mister nice guy ? Give me a break.

oui, lâchez-nous les baskets

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