Vous n’y êtes pas, je verrais bien plus un Kouchner comme digne héritier de Talleyrand.
Tiens à propos de lui, un câble (FM pour foreign minister, notre nanard national)
On GTMO, the FM
indicated Europe would help on a case-by-case basis, and
asked the U.S. for assistance with a 15-year old
Canadian national, Omar Khadr. The FM asked for a
reaction to its Transatlantic paper, passed to the U.S.
during France’s 2008 EU presidency. As the meeting
the Secretary joked that the FM was « not even in
her league » concerning criticism when the FM mentioned a
new book critical of him that might spark press
questions. END SUMMARY.
Qu’ils ont vilains ces américains ![smiley](//www.agoravox.fr/smileys/mort_de_rire.png)
Une autre ?
France’s Socialist Party (PS) hosted, for the first
time, a « Circle of Ambassadors » group to hear party First
Secretary Francois Hollande give an overview of key issues
and answer participants’ questions. While his general
presentation was unremarkable, Hollande proved more
insightful in answering questions.