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Commentaire de morice

sur La France de Nicolas Sarkozy : la pire diplomatie du pire

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morice morice 21 février 2011 18:56

Il aurait pu choisir Paul Bremer, c’était le même profil (bien qu’il ne parlait pas arabe..) : Sarkozy est bien un Bush Bis.


Bremer, le « miraculé », accusant Ben Laden bien sûr 

On the day Al-Qaeda terrorists crashed two hijacked American commercial jetliners into the World Trade Center in New York City, Bremer and 1,700 of his employees at Marsh & McLennan had offices in both towers. Bremer’s office was in the North Tower. He and his people occupied floors at and « above where the second aircraft hit. »[5] At the time of his television interview with CNN on September 14, 2001, 450 of his colleagues were unaccounted for ; 295 were eventually counted as dead.[6]

Three hours after a commercial airliner crashed into the South Tower, Bremer appeared for a televised interview. As a leading counterterrorism expert, Bremer offered his opinion on what would likely happen and pinpointed Osama bin Laden as the terrorist leader responsible for the attack.[7]

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