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Commentaire de Georges ZETER

sur Alice et sa « Bucklet list »

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George L. ZETER Georges ZETER 18 juin 2011 10:31

c’est vraiment bien ce que tu as fait, faire connaitre le cas en france.
je joint le courrier que je viens d’envoyer à Alice.

Dear Alice,
I really share what you are going through...I had a cancer some years ago, and lucky me I kecked it out and I am still here.
The only thing I can say to you is : make the best of the time you have left.

Please, you have asked to swim with some sharks. Take a look of the video.

Many kiss Alice and keep the spirit high !!!

George zeter from France

Shark dance

This one is quite surprising toward the end.

<http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=WK2LpUoqX6A&vq=medium> <http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=WK2LpUoqX6A&vq=medium>> < <http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=WK2LpUoqX6A&vq=medium <http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=WK2LpUoqX6A&vq=medium> >

je suis aussi rédacteur sur agora, et ton article justifie totalement l’existence de ce site. merci encore - george

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