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Commentaire de Pyrathome

sur La libération (38) : l'Opération Lusty, et les fantômes du cimetière de Freeman Field

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Pyrathome Pyrathome 11 juillet 2011 19:05

Bon alors, comment va notre alien morice ? toujours chez les fantômes ?

Un bon cadeau pour lui : une très pertinente enquète....

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television Petit extrait :

The US government has made concerted efforts over the years to manage through entertainment media popular perceptions of UFOs while attempting simultaneously to massage its own public image in relation to the phenomenon. If, though, as the government insists, UFOs are essentially non-existent, why the concern ? In 1961, a NASA-commissioned report by the Brookings Institute, “Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs,” warned that an official announcement confirming the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial beings could have disastrous consequences for human civilisation :

“Anthropological files contain many examples of societies sure of their place in the universe, which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different life ways ; others that survived such an experience usually did so by paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and behavior.” 85


Rapport officiel ...

“It is clear that the Pentagon has had, and probably still has, the greatest interest in concealing, as best it can, all of this research, which may, over time, cause the United States to hold a position of great supremacy over terrestrial adversaries, while giving it a considerable response capacity against a possible threat coming from space. Within this context, it is impossible for them to divulge the sources of this research and the goals pursued, because that could immediately point any possible rivals down the most beneficial avenues. Cover-ups and disinformation (both active as well as passive) still remain, under this hypothesis, an absolute necessity. Thus it would appear natural in the minds of U.S. military leaders, secrecy must be maintained as long as possible.”...

Avec l’aide de morice, si possible ?..... smiley...ah ah ah ah ! ...

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