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Commentaire de morice

sur La Libération (59) : des turbines à eau aux soucoupes volantes nazies, il n'y a qu'un pas

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morice morice 5 août 2011 21:23

mauvaise référence :

Jordan joined the Nazi party and became a brownshirt, a political affiliation which isolated him within the physics community.

Wolfgang Pauli declared Jordan « rehabilitated » to the authorities some time after the war, allowing Jordan to regain academic employment after a two-year period and then recover his full status as a tenured professor in 1953. Jordan went against Pauli’s advice, and reentered politics after the period of denazification came to an end under the pressures of the Cold War. He secured election to the Bundestag standing with the conservative Christian Democratic Union. In 1957 Jordan supported the arming of the Bundeswehr with tactical nuclear weapons by the Adenauer government, while the Göttinger 18 (which included Born and Heisenberg) issued theGöttinger Manifest in protest. This and other issues were to further strain his relationships with his former friends and colleagues.

comme quoi on a eu la mémoire courte en Allemagne.

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