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Commentaire de Catherine Segurane

sur Espagne : à Lérida, l'islamisme menace chiens et humains

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Catherine Segurane Catherine Segurane 8 octobre 2011 20:27

Voici une page du Hudson Institute consacrée à son « Center on islam, democracy and the future of the muslim world ». On peut y lire :

« The mission of Hudson Institute’s Center on Islam, Democracy and the Future of the Muslim World is four-fold :

      1. To research and analyze political, religious, social and other developments within Islamic countries and Muslim minority populations around the world.
      2. To analyze the ideological dynamic of Islam around the world and to examine how the political and theological debate within Islam impacts both Islamist radicalism as well as the Islamic search for moderate and democratic alternatives.
      3. To encourage and support the growth of moderate and democratic alternatives to Islamist radicalism within the Muslim world.
      4. To contribute to the development of American policy options and public diplomacy efforts within the Muslim world and to strategies to prosecute and to win the war against radical Islam »

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