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Commentaire de Hermes

sur Procès Scientologie : la justice française sera-t-elle partisane ou indépendante ?

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Hermes Hermes 9 décembre 2011 14:18

Au hasard du Web

Paul Haggis : source

"Over the years, Haggis estimates, he spent more than a hundred thousand dollars on courses and auditing, and three hundred thousand dollars on various Scientology initiatives. Rennard says that she spent about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars on coursework. Haggis recalls that the demands for donations never seemed to stop. “They used friends and any kind of pressure they could apply,” he says. “I gave them money just to keep them from calling and hounding me.”

Et bien d’autres choses encore dans cet article... les isolations familiales, etc etc.

Et encore ci-dessous : source

"The Church of Scientology is under investigation for human trafficking and using free labor — in part, to service the demands of its celebrity icon, Tom Cruise."

Et pour ceux qui veulent en savoir plus, désormais les documents internes de cette organisation sont sur Wikileaks ici.

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