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Commentaire de Leo Le Sage

sur Refondation énergétique du Moyen-Orient : La plaque tectonique syrienne

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Leo Le Sage 16 juillet 2012 11:14

@AUTEUR/Chems Eddine Chitour

Quand on sait quel est le pourcentage des médias contrôlés par quelques conglomérats on comprend pourquoi les médias sont tout sauf réellement fiables...

"Corporations have multimillion-dollar budgets to dissect and attack news reports they dislike. But with each passing year they have yet another power : They are not only hostile to independent journalists. They are their employers"

"Media executives speak in the language of war—of bombarding audiences, targeting markets, capturing grosses, killing the competition, and winning, by which they mean making more money than the other guy. Some news organisations even refer to their employees as “the troops”"

(source : Media Conglomerates, Mergers, Concentration of Ownership — Global Issues)

Se poser la question Who Owns the Media ?


Leo Le Sage

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