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Commentaire de Cosmicray

sur Neil Armstrong, un courage exemplaire

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Cosmicray 2 septembre 2012 12:14

http://www.angelfire.com/moon2/xpascal/MoonHoax/CrewEquipment/CrewEquipment .HTM

And that’s where it becomes comical : the gauges which allow to check the oxygen pressure in the PLSS and the OPS are located on the top and back of the top of the backpack.
So, there is no way that the astronaut can check these gauges while he has his backpack on.
That means that he would regularly have to remove his backpack to check the gauges (circled in red) ; and he even has to press a button to check one of the gauges, and a button very difficult to press with his pressurized gloves !
To complete the picture, if ever the astronaut sees that the pressure on a gauge goes beyond the admissible level, he is supposed to switch a small valve located on the bottom of the backpack (circled in orange), extremely difficult to manipulate with his pressurized gloves, not to say impossible !

Ils ont eu du bol.

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