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Commentaire de njama

sur La puissance des religions monothéistes

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njama njama 15 septembre 2012 13:35

 MeRdia for Christ

L’autorisation de production du film a été délivrée au nom de Media for Christ (Médias pour le Christ), a indiqué à l’AFP un responsable de LA Films, le bureau qui fournit ces autorisations.

Le président de cette association, dédiée à « faire briller la lumière de Jésus » sur le monde, est l’Egyptien de religion copte Joseph Nassralla Abdelmasih.

C’est très intéressant de s’attarder sur l’article Media for Christ, Led By Anti-Muslim Agitator Joseph Nasralla, Produced Incendiary Film

qui révèle que ce film n’est jamais qu’un épisode de plus à mettre à l’inventaire de l’ Islamophobia Industry
ne manquez pas de voir la vidéo
ou sur ce lien : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBHSoyLenF4&feature=player_embedded

Nasralla (also spelled Nassralla) participated in the 2010 anti-mosque rally at Ground Zero, also sponsored by Geller and Spencer, and received media coverage because of an incident at the event. The crowd surrounded Nasralla and another Egyptian speaker mistaking them as Muslims.

Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch, a program of David Horowitz’s Freedom Center. Spencer and Geller founded Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), an affiliate of Stop Islamization of Europe and a project of their American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI). The AFDI is the sponsor of anti-Muslim advertisements on buses in Manhattan and San Francisco. Spencer and Geller describe their inflammatory activism as being « pro-Israel, » although they have no doubt alienated many supporters of Israel. Sources, including a 2011 Slate article, counted the references to Geller, Spencer, and their collaborators in the writings of Norway’s mass killer Anders Breivik, and found them cited over 250 times.

It was Spencer and Geller that organized the 2009 rallies around Rifqa Bary, the Muslim girl who ran away from home with the aid of her Christian proselytizers. See previous posts on this issue ( 1, 2, and 3) including the role of controversial pastor Terry Jones, who has also been reported as promoting the movie in question.

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