lad·en (ldn)
- We don’t have the proof. Without proof,
we’re nothing more than conspiracy mongers.
- Without proof,
all we can do is cry wolf.
- Don’t take it personally, man.
They strip-searched all of us.
- Eleven years we’ve been putting out
this paper. Think about it.
- I’m talking about
government-sanctioned murder here.
- Is this another one of your wacko
conspiracy theories, like who shot J.R. ?
- Whatever.
- We found this in the engine compartment
of my father’s car.
- You’ll notice that none of the circuits
have factory identifier numbers.
- This copper zigzag looks
like an integrated antenna.
- Etched into the breadboard
like a cell phone. We’re thinking..
- If this received radio signals and was clipped
at the car engine’s control module..
- The speed of the car
could be remotely controlled.
- All you’d need is a handheld
radio controller to operate the car.
- And make it look like a dead man was driving.
- Mm-hmm.
- N˙mero uno, baby ! Mm-hmm !
- Find something ?
Yeah, I wound up in some government
think tank’s upload directory.
Here’s your scenarios, ladies.
- These look like counterterrorism scenarios, war games..
developed for the Defense Department.
- What’s Scenario 1 2D ?
- Airline terrorism ?
That doesn’t make sense.
- Your father was murdered over a war game ?
- Download it.
- John.
- Dad.
- What the hell are you doing ? Why can’t you
stay out of this ? Leave me buried.
- What is Scenario 12D ?
- We know it’s a war-game scenario...
that it has to do with airline counterterrorism.
- Why is it important enough to kill for ?
- Because it’s no longer a game.
- But if some terrorist group
wants to act out this scenario...
why target you for assassination ?
- Depends on who your terrorists are.
- The men who conceived of it
in the first place.
You’re saying our government plans to commit
a terrorist act against a domestic airline—
- There you go, indicting
the entire government as usual.
It’s a faction, a small faction.
- For what possible gain ?
- The cold war’s over,John...
but with no clear enemy to stockpile against,
the arms market’s flat.
But bring down a fully loaded 727
into the middle of New York City...
and you’ll find a dozen tin-pot dictators
all over the world...
just clamoring to take responsibility...
and begging to be smart-bombed.
- I can’t believe it.
This is about increasing arms sales.
- Mm-hmm.
- [ Sighs ] When ?
- Tonight.
- How are you gonna stop them ?
- ....
- Why didn’t you tell the world this ?
Go to the press.
- You think I’d still be drawing breath
30 minutes after I made that call ?
- Let the F.B.I. deal with this.
- You said yourself we don’t know
the full extent of this conspiracy.
- We can’t trust any government official.
- This flight was chosen
primarily for its visibility.
It’s scheduled to pass over Manhattan
on its way to Boston.
- You said they intend to bring this down
in the middle of New York City ?
- Well, how are they gonna bring it down ?
- The same way a dead man
can drive a car.
- Get me on that plane,
and I’ll get you autopilot access.
- How you gonna do that ?
- Airline telemetry systems use processors
similar to those found in C.B. radios.
- Remote access.
Somebody on the ground’s flying your plane.
- World Trade Center.
They’re going to crash the plane
into the World Trade Center.
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