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Commentaire de morice

sur Nous, opposants à la guerre française

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morice morice 24 janvier 2013 08:29

Cet auteur aborde la question du soutien à Sanogo de façon assez prudente car...il s’agit d’un militaire. Or s’il peut y avoir des militaires capables de prendre parti pour le peuple (certains du MFA portugais, Chavez ou...Sankara !), 

ah parce vous, militant de gauche sinon d’extrême gauche vous pensez qu’un gars qui sort de Fort Bragg et de la School of the Americas puisse prendre la parole POUR LE PEUPLE ?

vous manquez sincèrement de connaissances historiques, mon vieux....

http://www.amnestyusa.org/our-work/issues/military-police-and-arms/mi zlitary- zand-police-training/the-training-schools


The SOA, originally founded in Panama 50 years ago, was supposedly intended to stabilize the region by « professionalizing » Latin American military officers. But its real role has become brutally clear. According to information obtained by SOAW, too many of the 60,000 such officers who have attended the SOA have gone on to become dictators, death squad leaders, and perpetrators of the worst atrocities in the region.

Manuel Noriega and Roberto D’Aubuisson were among its graduates, as well as Guatemala’s Colonel Julio Roberto Alpirez, who ordered the murders of US citizen Michael Devine and Efrain Bamaca, husband of US attorney Jennifer Harbury.

In El Salvador, SOA alumni include the assassins of Archbishop Romero, the rapist murderers of four US churchwomen, and the leaders of the massacre of 900 people at El Mozote.

The list of SOA grads implicated in such horrors goes on and on, including ones in Peru, Colombia, Honduras and Nicaragua.

These atrocities have earned the SOA the moniker « School of Assassins. »

incroyable méconnaissance de votre part....

Roberto D’Aubuisson a tué vos amis !!!

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