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Commentaire de njaisson

sur La transhumanité est-elle l'enjeu caché du mariage pour tous ?

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njaisson 21 février 2013 16:52

Et pourtant le « mapping » du cerveau humain est bel et bien « dans les cartons » avec un budget transatlantique de deux milliards de dollars :



The ultimate goal of this project is to construct the functional connectome map of the human brain, by assembling a coordinated network of researchers deploying next—generation nanotechnological tools with unprecedented capabilities. Mapping the functional connectome will unravel the fundamental, long-sought paradigms of how the brain computes. Together with these new technologies, this will enable accurate diagnosing, and restoring, of normal patterns of activity to injured or diseased brains ; will foster the development of broader biomedical and environmental applications ; and will produce a host of associated economic benefits.

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