New Documents Cast Doubt on Federal Anthrax Case (PBS Frontline/McClatchy News, 18/7/2011)
The top 10 greatest conspiracy theories (The Telegraph, 13/5/2011)
Web Pick of the Week : The New Pearl Harbor Revisited (Publishers Weekly, 24/11/2008)
Willie Nelson doubts official explanation for 9/11 (Houston Chronicle/Associated Press, 5/2/2008)
Former CEO Says U.S. Punished Phone Firm (Washington Post, 13/10/2007)
DeFazio asks, but he’s denied access (The Oregonian, 20/7/2007)
Mission Accomplished (Washington Post, 12/6/2006)
Pentagon Revokes 9/11 Officer’s Clearance (ABC/Associated Press, 30/9/2005)
Panel rejects assertion US knew of Atta before Sept. 11 (Boston Globe/Associated Press, 15/9/2005)
Report Details F.B.I.’s Failure on 2 Hijackers (New York Times, 10/6/2005)
Justice Dept. Opposes Bid to Revive Case Against F.B.I. (New York Times, 26/2/2005)
Court sanctions lawyers behind 9/11 case (Reuters, 2/2/2012)
’Global War On Terror’ Is Given New Name (Washington Post, 25/3/2009)
Engineer Society Accused of Cover-Ups (Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Associated Press, 25/3/2008)
Trust Busters (Los Angeles Times, 15/4/2007)
Pentagon Employee Was Ordered to Destroy Data Identifying Atta As a Terrorist (ABC/AP, 15/9/2005)
Pentagon Finds More Who Recall Atta Intel (Washington Post, 2/9/2005)
McKinney reopens 9/11 (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 23/7/2005)
Report cites warnings before 9/11 (CNN, 19/9/2002)
9/11 a ’staged event’ (New Straits Times, 28/6/2012)
Judge : CIA interrogations not relevant to 9/11 accused’s sanity (Miami Herald, 10/8/2009)
Fifth Alarm for That Haunted Fireman (New York Times, 5/4/2009)
Jesse Ventura says he regrets not asking more questions (WKBT TV/Associated Press, 3/4/2008)
Dan Ellsberg : Sibel Edmonds case (, 19/11/2007)
Airlines Sue FBI, CIA Over Sept. 11 (Associated Press, 7/8/2007)
Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice (Washington Post, 1/10/2006)
9/11 Commission report is a lie (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 16/5/2006)
A case for conspiracy theorists (Newsweek, 12/5/2006)
Military Plays Up Role of Zarqawi (Washington Post, 10/4/2006)
Secret US plans for Iraq’s oil (BBC, 17/3/2005)
Berg’s encounter with ’terrorist’ revealed (CNN News, 14/5/2004)
airline pilot and conspiracy theorist ’shot dead his two teenage
children and his dog before turning the gun on himself’ (Daily Mail,
Eleven enduring mysteries of 9/11 (Russia Today, 11/9/2012)
Gore Vidal, 1925-2012 : Prolific, Elegant, Acerbic Writer (New York Times, 1/8/2012)
Goldman’s Tax-Free Building Loan Makes Liberty Bonds Tough Sell (Bloomberg Businessweek, 11/1/2012)
10 years later, 9/11 still shrouded in mystery (Philadephia Inquirer, 7/9/2011)
UN human rights official claims 9/11 was US plot (The Telegraph, 25/1/2011)
Secret services ’must be made more transparent’ (The Independent, 29/8/2010)
The World’s Most Wanted Man (Daily Express, 12/9/2009)
The deep state does not respond to FOIA requests (Chicago Sun-Times News Group, 22/8/2009)
’If I didn’t confess to 7/7 bombings MI5 officers would rape my wife,’ claims torture victim (Daily Mail, 25/6/2009)
9/11 widow among victims of crash near Buffalo (MSNBC, 13/2/2009)
D.C. Crash Kills General Who Scrambled Jets on 9/11 (Bloomberg News, 24/6/2009)
The Political Suspicions of 9/11 (New York Times, 2/2/2009)
Officer calls Sept. 11 cases tainted (Los Angeles Times, 5/6/2008)
360 post-9/11 workers have died, including 80 of cancer (New York Daily News, 8/5/2008)
Blame U.S. for 9/11 : ’Plots’ Thicken in Shocking Poll (New York Post, 24/11/2007)
The ‘Good Germans’ Among Us (New York Times, 14/10/2007)
Robert Fisk : Even I question the ’truth’ about 9/11(The Independent, 25/8/2007)
9/11 Panel Members Weren’t Told of Meeting (New York Times, 2/10/2006)
Disturbing 9/11 film is work of Hoosier (Indianapolis Star, 7/9/2006)
9/11 : Truth, Lies and Conspiracy (CBC, 25/8/2006)
Judge Slams Ex-EPA Chief Over Sept. 11 (ABC/Associated Press, 2/2/2006)
Former Scotland Yard Official Peter Power on London Bombings (Global Research/BBC Radio, 7/7/2005)
Over 70 Million American Adults Support New 9/11 Investigation (Yahoo ! News/PRWeb, 22/5/2006)
Pentagon, Senate committee bicker over 9/11 probe (ABC/Reuters, 23/9/2005)
Catastrophic Terrorism : Tackling the New Danger
Foreign Affairs, (journal du Council on Foreign Relations) (1/11/1998)
Invoking Secrets Privilege Becomes a More Popular Legal Tactic (New York Times, 4/6/2006)
International Hearings on 9/11 to begin in Toronto in September (CNBC, 8/8/2011)
Spanish MP’s photo used for Osama Bin Laden poster (BBC News, 16/1/2010)
9/11 Case Could Bring Broad Shift on Civil Suits (New York Times, 21/7/2009)
Cheney was key in clearing CIA interrogation tactics (Los Angeles Times, 16/12/2008)
U.N. Rights Investigator Expelled by Israel (New York Times, 16/12/2008)
The 30 greatest conspiracy theories (The Telegraph, 19/11/2008)
Mark Cuban Is Charged With Insider Trading (New York Times, 18/11/2008)
(note : Mark Cuban fut le premier à financer Loose Change)
Senators Want CIA to Release 9 / 11 Report (New York Times/Associated Press, 17/5/2007)
The Path from 9/11 (The Guardian, 13/9/2006)
Gaping Holes in the 9/11 Narrative (Yahoo ! News, 11/9/2006)
C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden (New York Times, 4/7/2006)
Supreme Court Denies FBI Translator’s Case (CBS/Associated Press, 28/10/2005)
More remember Atta ID’d as terrorist pre-9/11 (MSNBC/Associated Press, 1/9/2005)
Secret FBI Report Questions Al Qaeda Capabilities (ABC News, 9/3/2005)
9/11 Skeptics Share Theories (Washington Post, 26/6/2006)
No Trials for Key Players (Los Angeles Times, 4/5/2006)
Bush team sought to snuff CIA doubts (San Francisco Chronicle/Congressional Quarterly, 28/10/2005)
Court Closes FBI Case Arguments to Public (Los Angeles Times/Associated Press, 21/4/2005)
Dangerous World Fuels Conspiracy Theorists (CBS News, 30/1/2007)
9/11’s Las Vegas Connection (CBS News, 10/9/2006)
Religious book points 9/11 finger at Bush (Indianapolis Star/Associated Press, 1/9/2006)
Author, filmmakers fight over adaptation of 9/11 expose (Miami Herald, 18/8/2006)
Bush Behind 9/11 ? Tucker Carlson with Professor David Ray Griffin (MSNBC, 9/8/2006)
Panel Weighs Whistleblower Law Changes (Washington Post/Associated Press, 14/2/2006)
F.A.A. Alerted on Qaeda in ’98, 9/11 Panel Said (New York Times, 14/9/2005)
Report on CIA before 9/11 slams Tenet (San Francisco Chronicle/New York Times, 26/8/2005)
Brothers, Bad Blood and the Blackwater Tangle (New York Times, 17/11/2007)
Sandy Berger gives up law license (MSNBC/Associated Press, 8/6/2007)
Can the ‘20th hijacker’ of Sept. 11 stand trial ? MSNBC, 24/10/2006)
The enduring conspiracy factor (Toronto Star, 10/9/2006)
The war on paperclips (The Guardian, 11/5/2005)
Court prevents release of most September 11 emergency calls (CNN News, 24/3/2005)
TV show host boots out 9/11 conspiracy theorists (Guardian, 23/10/2007)
More Canadians blaming U.S. policies for Sept. 11 attacks (Ottawa Citizen, 11/9/2006)
An Inside Job ? Theologian scoffed at 9/11 conspiracy theories, then looked closer
(San Francisco Chronicle, 30/3/2006)
Moussaoui Jury Riveted by 9/11 Transcript (CBS/Associated Press, 8/3/2006)
No evidence ? It must be conspiracy (Sydney Morning Herald, 20/11/2005)
Weldon doubts DoD on Able Danger (UPI, 8/9/2005)
’Able Danger’ Could Rewrite History (Fox News, 12/8/2005)
Experts Call for Release of 9/11 Evidence (Yahoo News/PR Web, 1/3/2006)
The Conspiracy to Rewrite 9/11 (San Francisco Chronicle, 3/9/2006)
9/11 Thefts Not Prosecuted (CBS News/Associated Press, 16/6/2006)
The 9/11 conspiracy : Rubbish or reality ? (MSNBC, 11/9/2006)
Wis. lawmaker wants lecturer fired for 9-11 conspiracy views (CBS News Chicago/AP, 29/6/2006)
Report Urges F.A.A. to Act Regarding False 9/11 Testimony (New York Times, 2/9/2006)
Naval officer says Atta’s identity known pre-9/11 (San Francisco Chronicle, 23/8/2005)
The basics of alternative 9-11 theories (Village Voice, 21/2/2006)
Conspiracy theorists down but not out (BBC News, 17/5/2006)
Who really blew up the twin towers (The Guardian, 5/9/2006)
9/11 theorists are either silly or shrewd (Denver Post, 29/10/2006)
Police ’exaggerated evidence’ against British 9/11 suspect (London Times, 9/10/2006)
2 U.S. Reports Seek to Counter Conspiracy Theories About 9/11 (New York Times, 2/9/2006)
06/12 22:10 - Andromede95
files_walker : « - « Allo Mom, this is Mark Bingham » C’est précisément ce qu’a dit (...)
30/09 18:05 - Andromede95
@ agent orange, Vous prendriez bien le temps de répondre à mon questionnaire aussi (...)
15/05 16:43 - Nemrod
« Il n’y a là rien de bien ésotérique ni de très compliqué -pas plus, au fond, (...)
12/05 12:11 - morice
la pire des choses à écrire, il l’a écrite, le sagouin : J’ai en fait tendance à (...)
22/03 14:24 - files_walker
C’est toujours les même non-arguments qui reviennent avec les idiots utiles pro VO. (...)
21/03 16:41 - Pie 3,14
Collabo ??? ou quand les mots ne veulent plus rien dire. Pauvre cloche.
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