Dans sa livraison du jour Bruno Bertez (le blog à lupus) a retrouvé le discours de Trichet lors de l’entrée de Chypre, en 2008, dans la zone euro.
Vraiment savoureux !!!
« Aujourd’hui la célébration de l’entrée de Chypre dans la
zone euro est le résultat de politiques macro-économiques réussies que
les autorités chypriotes ont mis en place ces dernières années. Chypre a
fait des progrès significatifs en termes de convergence nominale et
réelle grâce à des politiques positives : des politiques monétaires et
des politiques de change combinées avec des réformes structurelles ».
Le texte en anglais :
« Today’s euro celebrations are the result of the successful
macroeconomic policies that the Cypriot authorities have pursued in
recent years. Cyprus has made significant progress in both nominal and
real convergence, owing to successful policies – namely, well-managed
monetary and exchange rate policies combined with a range of structural
reforms. … The ECB and the Central Bank of Cyprus, together with the
National Changeover Board, the European Commission and national and
international authorities cooperated closely in many ways to prepare the
introduction of the euro. … It included public opinion polls,
advertising and direct marketing. Over 900,000 copies of different
publications were distributed by the Central Bank of Cyprus – this is
more than one copy per Cypriot ! … As a result of these efforts, today we
can celebrate a successful cash changeover. … intimate cooperation
between the members of the team, the national central banks of the
Eurosystem, and the ECB is the key for the success of the single
monetary policy in the euro area. »