Je ne suis pas le seul à avoir fait le rapprochement visiblement :
* Extrait d’un article de Julian Barnes ,du Guardian , qui fait le rapprochement entre les œuvres :
« There is a self-awareness, too, of fiction being fiction : thus Meaulnes is like »the hero of a novel« to the narrator François Seurel ; while both search for »the [secret] passage that they write about in books« . And the novel is not just fiction-soaked but fiction-predicting : at least, it seemed quite evident to me that Seurel must have been the precursor for Nick Carraway, the narrator of The Great Gatsby. Both are shadowy, rather passive figures in thrall to an enchanted world, stay-at-homes who admire the otherness and daring of the adventurer ; both press their noses to the shop-window (as we, the readers, do), while aware that the glass is unbreakable. Surely Fitzgerald, in Paris in the 1920s, would have read Le Grand Meaulnes (and even borrowed the template of its title) ? But I haven’t been able to substantiate this connection : the nearest proof-by-association being the fact that the first translator of Fournier’s novel was Harry Crosby, the millionaire expatriate who moved in the same Parisian circles as Fitzgerald. »
Il note une filiation entre François Seurel et Nick Carraway , et souligne le fait que le premier traducteur du GM était un proche de Scott Fitzgerald .
* Trouvé un article de l’Economist sur le Grand Meaulnes où le journaliste rappelle l’admiration que de grands écrivains américains ont eu pour ce livre avant d’évoquer l’avis de plusieurs critiques sur la filiation entre le GM et Gatsby :
« Henri Miller venerated its hero ; F.Scott Fitzgerald borrowed its title »The Great Gatsby« (and some critics think Fournier’s main characters were models for Nick Carraway,and his loverlon pal »).
Le journaliste illustre son article d’une photo du film « Gatsby » avec cette légende :« Gatsby ,the latest descendants of Meaulnes ».