Two highlights. One of them was his claim that aliens influenced the US to intervene militarily on the Communist side during the Russian revolution. There are two small problems with that. First, the US intervened on the anti-communist side (to be precise, this was in the civil war that followed the revolution). Second, Cooper himself said at another point in his talk that the aliens arrived here in 1947. The Russian revolution and the succeeding civil war were much earlier than that (1918 to 1921, I believe).
Second highlight : During the question period, someone rose from the audience to announce that the government was spying on the lecture ! He pointed to video cameras set up onstage. Cooper — for once seeming utterly baffled — replied that those were his own cameras. A case of conspiracy thinking getting too crazy even for Cooper. Cooper got an ovation when he said the aliens were responsible for gun control. It was quite an evening.
sans oublier son fond de commerce antisémite :
When I pointed out in an article that some of Cooper’s UFO conspiracy theories had their roots in anti-Semitic literature, he took to threatening me from various public forums. His followers were frightening, too. Ten years ago, while lecturing in Sydney, Australia, on the Dark Side fantasies for which Cooper was largely responsible, I had my speech interrupted by an enraged audience member who started shouting at me. It was his view, as I understood it, that I was a CIA member ; after all, only a CIA member would charge that Cooper’s stuff was 100%
28/08 19:10 - Xenozoid
28/08 18:07 - Xenozoid
guerre froide ?, au pied de europol a la haye,programme arts
28/08 15:20 - morice
juste une question de méthode tellement efficace qu’on attend toujours vos textes ici ; (...)
28/08 12:31 - morice
28/08 12:26 - Pyrathome
28/08 11:57 - morice
Tu dis une chose, d’autre disent que la base n’est pas répertoriée sur les, elle (...)
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