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Commentaire de morice

sur L'été de la désinformation (2) : la soucoupe volante de juillet et la descendance d'Adamski

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morice morice 4 septembre 2013 18:29



In April of 1997 he attended the press and congressional briefings conducted in Washington, DC by Steven Greer and CSETI

les crétins attirent les crétins en effet...


que voulez-vous dire à un tel con ?

In 2004 Phil Corso Jr. spoke with the co-author of « The Day After Roswell », William Birnes, at Stephen Bassett’s X-Conference.
une machine à remonter le temps maintenant ?

What was stated by both of them was explosive, the emphasis of the information being that the Roswellcraft was actually a time machine. A lot of mind-boggling things were stated about time, time travel and the real reason for the UFO cover-up - with StevenGreer’s The Disclosure Project being mentioned several times by Corso Jr. 

encore le FILS d’un mec qui se fait du beurre avec le cas de son père`

c’est TOUJOURS LE MEME CIRQUE,Pyra, toujours le même CIRQUE !

elle finissent par quoi ses conférences ? par les soucoupes nazies !

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_extraterrestrialtech10.ht m

He later told Dr. Oberth, one of the German scientists who worked with Von Braun, a rocket scientist. He [Dr. Oberth] told him, “You’re a magnificent person if they chose to reveal themselves to you !” He was very impressed. Then he said, “We also have had such things happen in Germany before the war.” So the UFOs, yes, they did have one in Germany. That’s where their superior, you might say superior, knowledge came from of war vehicles and such. They had far more than what the public knows about, too. 

bref, le coup de la soucoupe nazie Pyra : or c’est du FLAN !!

c’est du FLAN, sur toute la ligne !!! 

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