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Commentaire de Xenozoid

sur L'anglais, agent de la soumission au capital

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Xenozoid 13 novembre 2013 22:38
The Two Wolves

You’ve probably heard the old story of the two wolves : A young boy becomes angry and violent, and then feels guilty about his violence. He goes to his grandfather for advice. The old man says, “You have two wolves inside you : one of them is nice, the other is dangerous, and they’re fighting inside of you.”

The boy then asks his grandfather, “Which one will win ?”

The old man replies, wisely, “Whichever one you feed.”

The butterfly wing-beat axiomatic figures into our decisions as does the immediate circumstances assesment, long term ,short term, median average aggregate metrics as well as metrics of effects outside of our spheres of understanding might be included in how we chose either wolves style thinking as our strongest incentives guiding choices.

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