Le lien Hamza, c’est de la récup, la vraie source est là :
http://web.archive.org/web/20110224024711/http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/banking_and _finance/article5568518.ece
“The best trading day in the history of Société Générale was September 11,
2001,” he said. “At least, that’s what one of my managers told me. It seems
that profits were colossal that day.
“I had a similar experience during the London attacks in July 2005.”
A few days earlier he had bet on a fall in the share price of Allianz, the
German insurance giant, he told Le Parisien. Everyone was losing money when
the 7/7 bombings sent the insurance sector into a downward spiral “except
for me”, he said.
“Thanks to the positions I had, I earned €500,000
in a few minutes. It was the jackpot. I was jubilant.”
After the celebrations Mr Kerviel said he paused for thought. “I understood
that I was having fun when people had just been hit by the bombs. I ran to
the toilet and I was sick. But the moment of weakness did not last long. I
went back into the trading room and I returned to work.”.....
Mon ennemi n’a pas de visage disait l’autre buse, ben si il en a un et même plusieurs..