Pourquoi y a t’il eu changement de trajectoire du vol MH17 ?
17 juillet 2014 - CNN rapporte que c’est une tempête qui a forcé à détourner la route du vol MH17, mais cela était faux.
(à 2:30 dans la vidéo)
Conditions météo le 17/07/2014 (aucune tempête à l’horizon)
MH17 Verdict : Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed False Flag
July 25, 2014
MH17 : A Doomed Flight Path
A Malaysian Airlines spokesman has already confirmed that, for some unknown reason, Kiev-based Ukrainian Air Traffic Control (ATC) ordered MH17 off of its original flight path along the international air route, known as L980.
Most likely, this order was given to pilots while MH17 was still in Polish air space. L980 is one of the most popular and most congested air routes in the world, as well as a key link between major international hubs in Europe, like London Heathrow, Amsterdam Schiphol, and Frankfurt, and Asian destinations, like Singapore, Mumbai, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur.
As MH17 moved into Ukrainian air space, it was moved by ATC Kiev approximately 200 miles north – putting it on a new course, heading directly into a war zone, a well-known dangerous area by now – one that’s hosted a number of downed military craft over the previous 3 weeks.
The BBC reported on July 17th : “Ukraine’s SBU security service has confiscated recordings of conversations between Ukrainian air traffic control officers and the crew of the doomed airliner, a source in Kiev has told Interfax news agency.”
Independent investigators are worried that ATC audio records of the MH17 flight appear to have been confiscated by the Kiev government. No reason has been given for this loss of transparency, but not a word from Washington regarding this cover-up of crucial evidence.
Did this order to change the flight path come from the Ukrainian authorities ? Was the pilot instructed to change course ? To be sure, the order to change the flight path did not come from Eurocontrol, but rather from ATC in Kiev.
Clue : British media run interference by conjuring a “Storm”
The only problem is that Malaysian Airlines immediately refuted this in a report from Malaysia News :
“MAS operations director Captain Izham Ismail has also refuted claims that heavy weather led to MH17 changing its flight plan (…) There were no reports from the pilot to suggest that this was the case,” Izham said.
What is significant, however, is that the Western media acknowledged that the change in the flight path did occur, indicating that the alleged “heavy weather” narrative is a fabrication designed to distract, and obscure the fact that MH17′s course was indeed divert into the war zone that day.
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