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Commentaire de aldous II

sur Grèce : c'est maintenant que tout commence (ou pas)

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aldous II aldous II 30 janvier 2015 01:56

Alexis Tsipras : Europe is impotent in relation to you there is nothing they can do A) if you stay in the euro you win, if you exit the euro you win. B) Russian gas & petrol is the key, reason why they label you as communist, but is just BS from the collapsing western media. They try to manipulate you. Once the Russian gas reaches Athens is you who can distribute the gas to Europe and not UKRAINE, Germany will be dependent on Greece, not on Ukraine. C) Exit NATO-OTAN, let the Germans and the French kill themselves for Washington, besides it saves money and your mortal enemy turkey is now an allied, as they will benefit from the Russian rubble & gas and petrol. Greece holds the key to Cyprus and a better understanding between Asia and Europe, “Greece is in Europe as well Russia”. D) You hold now the key to the Middle East, IRAN SYRIA AND EGYPT, because they also have products that transit via Athens, to Europe and vice versa. Therefore the key to employment is the modernization of the Middle East “properly” and Russia and china properly, as is there is where the jobs are.

Begun taken rubbles and yuan as exchange currency, if Europe complains F__ck them, you hold the cards, all they got is toilet paper money and a currency “The EURO that is collapsing, Switzerland is the new hub of currency exchange, forget London is also gone to the bin. However be careful these folks are assassins so keep yourself in safe conditions. They have economical hit-mans. You see Tsipras you can indeed save Europe from its total collapse and get the Goldman Sacks BCE, corrupt useless central bank in order. 

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