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Commentaire de joelim

sur Ukraine : il y a urgence !

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joelim joelim 6 février 2015 19:33

Ainsi on comprend mieux pourquoi dans leur investigation ils ne se sont pas penchés sur l’incroyable régularité de certains impacts évoquant des rafales. Pas assez cohérent avec l’histoire qu’ils souhaitaient raconter, probablement, car - ne riez pas - voici leur propos :

You call yourselves CORRECT !V – what do you want to correct ?
Our work has three dimensions :
1. Through our investigative research we want to uncover structural problems and unethical behavior. That way we can help society help itself. We want to give people information that allows them to initiate change and tackle social problems.
2. As an independent and nonprofit organization we give other newsrooms – whether small or large – access to stories they could not put together themselves. We want to strengthen investigative journalism in Germany to ensure diversity and a high level of quality in our media landscape.
3. We train people : we want to pass on our methods of investigation and help citizens access the information to which they are legally entitled. Our goal is to help citizens make society more transparent and so to foster democratic engagement.

Ce que j’ai mis en gras semble un bon résumé des buts de leur organisation, vu ce qu’ils ont produit sur l’affaire du MH17...

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