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Commentaire de cristobool

sur La sensibilité au gluten : mythe ou réalité ?

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cristobool 7 avril 2015 16:54


Dans le revue de lomer sur les intolérancves alimentaires en général sur le lactose vous avez :
« Enzyme/transport defectsLactose is a disaccharide found in mammalian milk thatis broken down into its constituent monosaccharides,glucose and galactose, in the brush border of the jejunumby a b-galactosidase enzyme lactase prior to absorption. Lactase is essential during the development of infants before weaning commences, following which,there is a gradual down-regulation in lactase activity which varies depending on ethnicity.12 Interestingly, asingle gene codes for lactase and lactase persistence is aninherited autosomal dominant condition. It occurs frequentlyin European, South Asian and some Africanpopulations and the genetic changes for different populationsdate back to between 1200 and 23 200 years agowhich from archaeological remains is a similar timewhen domestication of mammals for their milk isthought to have commenced. Evidence suggests that lactasepersistence probably evolved as a co-evolutionaryprocess involving both cultural and genetic changes.13Lactase-nonpersistence occurs in approximately 65%of the adult population.14, 15 »

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