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Commentaire de JFC

sur Ondes électromagnétiques : l'industrie se réfugie dans la négation et le CRIIREM l'entérine

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JFC JFC 24 juillet 2015 20:00


On peut ajouter une autre expertise collective relativement récente, celle de la HPA, Health Protection Agency l’agence sanitaire britannique. April 2012
https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/33 3080/RCE-20_Health_Effects_RF_Electromagnetic_fields.pdf

extrait des conclusions sur la Barrière Hémato-encéphalique p136 :
The majority of recent studies investigating effects on the blood-brain barrier have reported robustly negative results. Importantly, the observations of Salford and colleagues could not be confirmed by three independent research groups, and the positive results have been largely attributed to technical shortcomings and the presence of artefacts. Overall, the evidence for low level effects on the blood-brain barrier has grown substantially weaker since 2003, and it now seems far less likely that low level fields are capable of causing detrimental changes.  

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