>Islam is not the main culprit in the rise of >fundamentalism, but poverty, confusion, and a rising sense >of injustice are ....poverty and ignorance (this does not >excuse them in anyway).
I seems to me that the situation is more complicated that this official « humanist » position. Islam is living his state of expansionism and untolerance, like christians 600 years ago. In arabian countries the culture is islam (with local variations) and islam is the culture. It is like this since 1500 years.
It’s not easy to say if all this terrorism is conadment by the majority of population. It’s considered like freedom war and islam used today like nationalism of Baas before. It’s not obvious at all if islamism is consequence of poverty, or poverty is consequence of global cultural problems of islam area. Don’t forget that it’s the most richest oil area in the world, but the people is suffering chronicle illestrism, poverty, women mistreatment. Most of the money are spending in fighting one against others or agains Israel. Artificial nationnalist regims are perfused by west countries cause otherwise islamist parties have the support of majority of population.
It should be a fundemental reason to the fact that Isreal created a paradise in the desert with nothing and surrounding countries live in hell with enough oil to be the richest area in the world.