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Commentaire de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rf2nCW8SUE

sur Poutine, coup de maître en Syrie

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Selon des sources militaires israéliennes ( en général, il s’agit d’intoxication ) les russes, chinois et iranien viseraient, en Syrie, a éliminer tout les terroristes avant qu’ils puissent quitter la Syrie et exporter leurs massacres dans le Caucase, dans la province chinoise de de Xinjiang et en Irak.

’’....debkafile’s counterterrorism sources point out that just as Russian marines will be instructed to single out rebel militias with recruits from Chechnya and the Caucasus, the Chinese marines will seek out and destroy Uighur fighters from the northern predominantly Muslim Chinese province of Xinjiang.

In the same way that Putin has no wish to see the Chechen fighters back in Russia, so too Chinese President Xi wants to prevent the Uighurs from returning home from the Syrian battlefields....’’

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