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Commentaire de Yannick HERVE

sur Roue de Taccola : Mouvement perpétuel du premier ordre

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Yannick HERVE Yannick HERVE 21 janvier 2016 16:35

@raymond 2

N’oubliez pas de lire l’avertissement caché en fin de la page d’explication du site ve-project :

(tous les mécanismes présentés sont motorisés)


My Perpetual Motion Machines models are of motorized versions that were built to illustrate how they were supposed to work in the minds of Inventors. Never mind what educational level we are at, we all miss something that goes beyond the usual scientific explanations. Fundamental Science, Physics Laws and boring Laws of Thermodynamics bring the ‘flight’ of Inventors’ ideas to land. Growing Technology … We live in an age of consumption. But many of us are still dreaming and believe that the era of creativity has not gone. My PMM models are built for them. I’d like to inspire these people by demonstrating Unworkable Perpetual Motion Machines that were designed centuries ago.

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