»Le rôle sombre d’Hillary est encore pire
en Syrie qu’en Libye", dit Jeffrey David Sachs. Il aurait dû se pencher aussi sur l’effroyable
rôle encore plus sombre que son mari (et déjà elle, derrière lui) a joué avec
la CIA et l’US Army dans la mise à feu et à sang, la déstabilisation et le
pillage des ressources de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs avant, pendant et après
l’attentat du 6/4/1994...... : »Situation report no. 31 situation
as of 1100 edt, 04/11/94.......The President
and Mrs. Clinton and the Secretary and Mrs. Christopher visited the Task Force the
evening of April 11. ....The
President offered his sincere thanks to everyone who had helped to evacuate Americans from Rwanda. ....We understand that this is only the second time a President
has visited the Ops Center« + »President Clinton on April
12, 1994, reported under the War Powers Resolution that he had sent
forces to neighboring Burundi to help, if needed, with evacuations of U.S.
citizens (from Rwanda)« + »Samantha
POWER 2007 « In fact, in a shocking new revelation, some two dozen U.S. special
forces were sent on a one-day reconnaissance mission to Kigali (Rwanda) within a few days of the
beginning of the murder campaign. ....The men were debriefed immediately, and
the report was sent to to European Command Headquarters in Stutgart, Germany."
A creuser..... !?