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Commentaire de faxtronic

sur Et si l'Europe se relançait par une politique de grands travaux ?

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faxtronic (---.---.127.45) 7 mars 2007 16:07

I have nothing against english. I use it everyday, as I don’t live in a francophone country. In fact I speak 6 languages, but I mostly work in english. However, promoting french language is very important. You should know that whetever your effort, you will never reach the english level of a guy coming from cambridge university, and if you say « english only », you will have quickly all the business of native english people. may be you are not used of international affair, but I can say you that in all european working group I were, the leader was finally always an english native speaker (UK or Eire), as he is the only one who can speak 3 hours in english without mixing his words. I am working with guys all over the world (by the world I mean Europe, US and Japan), and it is always the same scheme : Everybody is working, but the leading is always finishing in native speaker, as they can handle 3 hours speaking without headache.

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