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Commentaire de faxtronic

sur Et si l'Europe se relançait par une politique de grands travaux ?

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faxtronic (---.---.127.45) 7 mars 2007 16:53

You right, absolutly right, in Canada, there is two languages (like in belgium where I am living). So ok you can say you have to learn the two languages. But with 20 languages, how you do ?. So it will be English only, and Europe will blow up, because English the language of a minority, and the majority will forget that they belongs to Europe.

And you are very cute when you say that everybody speak english in Europe. Educated people yes, but not everybody at all, as there is a big mass who didn’t go to school enough time to learn english, and don’t use english in their daily life. And you forget very fast a language. I am french, but I can say that I am forgetting franch at high speed.

Of course to order a beer, everybody will understand you, but when you will want to express a complex sentence, you will feel alone I can say you. Here in Flander everybody is supposed to speak french and they say they can do. Bullshit ! They speak french as I speak spanish, very bad I mean, not enough to have any non-basic communication.

I am very pessismistic about Europe. It will blow up, I bet it !

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