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Commentaire de njama

sur Gardasil : nouvelles salves de publicités trompeuses et/ou manipulatrices. Décodons les « fake news »

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njama njama 14 septembre 2018 11:50
(traduction) « Par rapport à tous les autres vaccins, le Gardasil seul est associé à plus de > 60% de tous les (EIG) (= effets indésirables graves) (y compris 63,8% de tous les décès et 81,2% des cas d’invalidité permanente) chez les femmes de moins de 30 ans. Dans le contexte, alors que les femmes de ce groupe d’âge ont un risque presque nul de mourir du cancer du col utérin, elles sont confrontées à un risque de mourir et à un état d’invalidité permanente par un vaccin qui n’a pas empêché un seul cas de cancer du col de l’utérus jusqu’à présent. »
Age-Adjusted Rate of Adverse Reactions (ADRs) Related to Gardasil Compared With All Other Vaccines in the United States Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of March 25, 2012.
Events  -------------------Gardasil, No.  All Vaccines, No.  Gardasil ADRs, %
All  -----------------------------14 616  -----------31 713  -------------46.1
Serious  -----------------------1 272  -------------2 077  ------------61.2
Deaths ---------------------------- 37 -----------------58 -------------63.8
Life-threatening ---------------- 289 --------------444 -------------65.1
Permanently disabled -------468 ---------------572 -------------81.2
Prolonged hospitalization -172 ---------------229 --------------75.1
Emergency room visit ------6892 ------------12 927 -------------53.3

Note. The VAERS Internet database (http://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html) was searched using the following criteria : (1) gender (female) ; (2) age (16–29 y [target group for HPV vaccines]) ; and (3) date range (2006-2012 [Gardasil postlicensure period]). Compared with all other vaccines, Gardasil alone is associated with > 60% of all serious ADRs (including 63.8% of all deaths and 81.2% cases of permanent disability) in females younger than 30 years. In context, while females in this age group have a near-zero risk of dying from cervical cancer, they are faced with a risk of dying and a permanently disabling condition from a vaccine that has not prevented a single case of cervical cancer thus far. For a vaccine with uncertain benefits designed to prevent a disease that is preventable through Papanicolaou screening combined with the loop electrosurgical excision procedure, which together carry no such risks, the potential for harm to those vaccinated should be negligible.

Source : Who Profits From Uncritical Acceptance of Biased Estimates of Vaccine Efficacy and Safety ?
Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD and Christopher A. Shaw, PhD, 2012 September

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