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Commentaire de njama

sur Norman Finkelstein sur Corbyn, le ‘Nouvel Antisémitisme' et la police de la pensée

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njama njama 20 juin 2019 10:38

(1) From Balfour to Obama

’Europe’s problem’

But the Palestinian Arabs were the last thing on Balfour’s mind, or the minds of many other British politicians. He was primarily concerned with solving ’a European problem’ and not with addressing the rights of an indigenous people. He also sought to bolster a declining British empire.

Balfour saw the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine as the best solution to what was commonly referred to as Europe’s ’Jewish problem’ - a solution that reflected and embodied the central anti-Semitic belief that Jews were an alien body causing problems in Christian Europe.

Balfour was a known anti-Semite who as prime minister supported and pushed for the 1905 Aliens Act that sought to curb Eastern European, particularly Jewish, immigration to Britain.

Over the years, he grew convinced that Zionism - the movement that advocated the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine - offered a convenient solution to the ’Jewish problem’. Like other anti-Semites he did not believe that Jews belonged in Europe and felt that they comprised a separate race and religion that could not live in harmony within their countries of residence.

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