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Commentaire de njama

sur Que savons-nous aux 5 ans du crash du MH17 au Donbass

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njama njama 22 juin 2019 22:44

@Le Poilu
ou à un SU-27 ?
L’image satellite est prise de très haute altitude, et l’agrandissement max nous présente cet aéronef assez nettement en phase ascensionnelle assez verticale donc sous la ligne de vol du Boeing, et vu sous un angle particulier ce qui laisse un doute il me semble et une possibilité qu’il s’agirait d’un Su-25
exemple https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8f/52/50/8f525074b9dee9a26c1e5a9991bf4c1d.jpg
La photo est peut-être un montage, mais les satellites russes ont bien identifié sur la zone à proximité du Boeing un Su-25, le mécanicien militaire ukrainien Evgeny Agapov confirmait que ce jour-là que sur les 3 avions en mission sur la zone un SU-25 était armé de missiles air-air et qu’il est rentré sans son armement.

All Aircraft in the Vicinity
Between 5pm-6pm Moscow Time on July 17th, the following aircraft have been identified in the general vicinity of MH17 on its course heading to its fatal destination of Grabovo :
1. Boeing 772 – traveling southeast from Copenhagen to Singapore at 5:17pm
2. Boeing 778 – traveling southeast from Paris to Taipei at 5:24pm
3. Boeing 778 – traveling northwest from Delhi to Berlin circa 5:20pm
4. Boeing 777 – Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 at 5:17pm
5. Su-25 Ukrainian Fighter Jet appears on radar, trailing MH17 at same altitude, est. 4km behind it at 5:21pm
At 5:20pm MH17 began to abruptly lose speed, eventually slowing to 124mph (200kmph). At this time, a Ukrainian Su-25 fighter jet appears on ATC radar and trailing MH17 on the same flight path approximately 2-3km behind MH17, and at the same altitude – only minutes before MH17 disappeared on radar. The Su-25 would not have been visible on ATC radar before it broke the ATC long-range standby radar tracking ceiling of 5km in altitude. Civilian ATC radar would not be able to identify this Su-25 as military because no secondary detection system is mounted – typical for military aircraft. Note also that the Su-25 is armed with air-to-air missiles with a range of 5km-12km. Over the next four minutes, the Ukrainian fighter remained in the area.

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