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Commentaire de njama

sur Etienne Chouard le crucifié

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njama njama 27 juin 2019 10:49

dès la « première », ce chiffre des « six millions de juifs » s’étalait déjà dans les journaux de l’époque.

Ce chiffre insolite était déjà publié depuis le milieu du XIX° et au plus loin une source fait remonter la première occurrence à 1950 !

Le mythe des 6 millions avant 1900
Le mythe des 6 millions depuis 1900 !

DON HEDDESHEIMER,THE FIRST HOLOCAUST The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure
(pages 15-16) « Let me lead you all the way back in time when the six-million figure was apparently mentioned for the very first time, and then lead you forward to the point where we can hand over the mic to Don, so to say.
As far as I was able to determine, the magical number was mentioned for the first time in the year 1850. The six-million figure published in it merely referred to the number of “Israelites” living on the planet at that time.[26]
The next occurrence I have located stems from the year 1866 in yet another Christian publication which repeats the number from 1850. [27]
Probably for lack of any reliable demographic data, that numberkeeps popping up elsewhere, for instance in
The New York Times of September 12, 1869, where we read under the headline “Sunday Notes,” with reference to a new Jewish weekly, that “there are now living about 6,000,000 Israelites, nearly one half of whom live in Europe.”
This number is repeated again it the same newspaper on October 31 of the same year under the headline “Religious Intelligence.”
Twenty years later, in an article in
The New York Times of February 10, 1889, which asked the question “How many Jews are there ?,” that number still hadn’t changed. This makes me suspect that nobody was actually counting the Jews ; they were just copying that figure from whoever wrote it first, since it was a round, sexy number. »
26 British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews (ed.), The Jewish Herald and Record of Christian Effort for the Spiritual Good of God’s Ancient People, Vol. V, London : Aylott & Jones, August 1850, p. 216 ; reprinted in the Christian Spectator of 1850, p. 496.
27 Brigham Young, The Latter-Day Saints’ Millennial Star, Vol. 28, London 1866, p. 677.28 For details see John D. Klier, Russia


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