Le Wikipedia anglais est plus explicite que le Wiki français cette loi ne désignaient pas comme cible les Arméniens, même si ceux-ci étaient particulièrement visés.
The background of the legislation
Before the Ottoman parliament implemented the « Tehcir Law », there was a circular by Talaat Pasha.[6] In the night of April 24, 1915, Mehmed Talaat Bey, who was the minister of interior at the time, ordered 250 Armenian intellectuals to be deported from the Ottoman capital.[7]
In May 1915, Mehmed Talaat requested that the cabinet and Grand Vizier Said Halim Pasha legalize a measure for relocation and settlement of Armenians to other places due to what Talat called « the Armenian riots and massacres, which had arisen in a number of places in the country » are a threat to national security.[8] "
The nature of the law
Tehcir Law was a temporary law that expired on February 8, 1916. It was a civil law, planned, implemented and enforced with an office (created by the law) to coordinate the activities under the name of “Migrant General Directorate” (Turkish : Göçmen Genel Müdürlüğü). The civil law gave the military an enforcing power only if there were opposing parties to the implementation. The rules and regulations of the law, as published in the Takvim-i Vekayi (Ottoman official newspaper), were public and they were shared with all parties.
The subject of the law
Although this law was directed against one particular ethnic group (Armenian) the Assyrian population also fell victim as did some Christians from the East.[11]
In the text of the law, there is no explicit mention that Armenians were the main target, and the text notes that (1) the ill, (2) the blind, (3) Catholics, (4) Protestants, (5) the soldiers and their families, (6) the officers, (7) merchants, some workers and masters were not subject to evacuation.[12] If conditions got worse, these groups are ordered to be settled in the city centers.[12]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_Armenian_intellectuals_on_24_Ap ril_1915