The Origins of Christian Zionism : Lord Shaftesbury and Evangelical Support for a Jewish Homeland
by Donald M Lewis, Cambridge University Press ; 1 edition (October 26, 2009)
In this study of Lord Shaftesbury – Victorian England’s greatest
humanitarian and most prominent Christian Zionist – Donald M. Lewis
examines why British evangelicals became fascinated with the Jews and
how they promoted a ‘teaching of esteem” that countered a “teaching of
contempt.” Evangelicals militated for the restoration of Jews to
Palestine by lobbying the British cabinet on foreign policy decisions.
Professing their love for the Jews, they effectively reshaped the image
of the Jew in conversionist literature, gave sacrificially to convert
them to Christianity, and worked with German Pietists to create a joint
Anglican-Lutheran bishopric in Jerusalem, the center (in their minds)
of world Jewry. Evangelical identity evolved during this process and had
an impact on Jewish identity, transforming Jewish-Christian relations.
It also changed the course of world history by creating a climate of
opinion in the United Kingdom in favor of the Balfour Declaration of
1917, which pledged British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
The movement also bequeathed a fascination with Christian Zionism to
American evangelicals that still influences global politics.
traduction (pas de version française de l’ouvrage pour l’instant à ma connaissance)
Les origines du sionisme chrétien : Lord Shaftesbury et le soutien évangélique pour une patrie juive Donald M Lewis, Cambridge University Press ; 1 édition (octobre 26, 2009)
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